Carol Service

The Annual Carol service held in December.



Cub – Silver Chief scouts Award – William


Scout – Gold Chief scouts award – Libby and Abi


The Beavers as Angels


The Angel Gabriel


Scouts Narrating

The Group Celebrated its 60th year in September

Westerfield Scout Group marked its 60th year in September and celebrated with a hog roast, barn dance and firework display at Henley Community Centre. The event was attended by a mix of past and present members and the families of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Scouts victorious again.

A team of eight scouts took part in the Orwell District Night Hike and not only did they win for the second year in a row but this time by a significant margin.

Well done to Meghan, Alice, Rhys, Libby, Alfie, Bobby, Hayden and Edward.

Scouts Weekend at Felixstowe

Twelve scouts, two young leaders, two leaders and a helper spent the weekend before Christmas staying at the Suffolk County Councils residential Centre on Ferry Road. On Friday evening they all went for a walk down to a very cold and windy beach where they played some games. On Saturday, after a hearty breakfast, they set out on an activity / hike around the area organised by Anthony Gibson which they all thoroughly enjoyed even if it took longer than expected.

Saturday evening they sat down to a Christmas dinner cooked by the leaders, followed by washing up and then Pictionary.

Sunday they went for a short (bracing) walk to Felixstowe Ferry, followed by lunch and clearing up.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Washing up afterwards

Washing up afterwards

Putting the pieces together to solve the activity puzzle

Putting the pieces together to solve the activity puzzle

Our very own Christmas tree

Our very own Christmas tree

Quick, Skip's not looking!

Quick, Skip’s not looking!

Chief Scouts Awards

At the Groups annual carol service held at Westerfield Church on Tuesday 9th December Chief Scouts Awards were presented by Jayne Vaughn, the deputy District Commissioner. Two Beavers received their Bronze Award, one Cub his Silver Award and Two Scouts their Gold Award. Well done to all five.

(Clicking on the photo’s will enlarge them)

Beaver Bronze Award

Beaver Bronze Award

Cub Silver Award

Cub Silver Award

Scout Gold Award

Scout Gold Award


Scouts win District cooking competition

The Westerfield ‘B’ team, comprised of three scouts won the Deben District scout cooking competition, last year it was won by the





The winning team being presented with the shield

The winning team being presented with the shield
